
Monday, January 10, 2005

Getting back in Touch

I went to college with some of the best people around! Last Friday Lani, my fellow architecture graduate and roommate way back when, gathered those of us available for an impromptu reunion. I was glad to be the reason for some of us to get together. I wasn’t able to attend the 20 year reunion of our Architecture graduating class a year and a half ago because I was in Poland. So it was wonderful to see old friends. Some I hadn’t seen for 15 to 20 years!
And the evening was great! I loved hearing the laughs I’d come to recognize in the Arch. Lab, the bad jokes and the quick banter. Some of the conversations had “older” themes than I remember having before with these people! But I was very encouraged by the time and truly in hysterics at one point.
As I mentioned I was a good excuse to get together. But I think this time together was also to celebrate Joy's return after having been caught in the Tsunami in Puket, Thailand. She thinks she survived just because of dumb luck. But I definitely have a different take on that! Her story is quite amazing.
I'm rejoicing in great friends, laughter, good food and time able to spend together.