
Monday, October 25, 2010

A Time of Promise

It's been a few days of gray, rain and relative cold. Now today the sun is out and I feel new promise inside. Sometimes I wonder if I would really catch these stirrings in me if I weren't writing, checking in with myself.
There has been a lot of changes in my life the past couple of years - by-in-large very positive! Let's see, a brief list: I got married, moved, got sick (for a year), marched into menopause, left the church I'd been attending for 5 years (still no settling somewhere else) and started a business (now a bit in limbo). My life's "routine" is difficult to pin down and there are aspects that seem to be in "no man's land" that is to say they are unfinished. I'm in the midst of an adventure where it's logical to imagine both blahness and the feelings of hope and promise exist, especially for a woman going through menopause! :)
Today is a good day as everyday is - I'm just able to see it better and experience it more fully in that way! It's OK to be blah. I like this better, though. I just want to be faithful through it all. The promise is before me and I'm moving forward.