
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back in Town - Moving Forward

Just got back from my mom's 90th birthday celebration! What a celebration it was, probably over 100 people!! A lot of people I haven't seen perhaps since high school years. (Of course I've hardly changed! :o ) I'm so glad so many people came since she's touched so many lives, and she could be blessed in return with that expression of love.
Now, I'm glad to be back home in the sunshine and recoup a bit more from that cold. I still feel a bit gunky with a cough now and then. (TMI?) At any rate, since I'm feeling better and the festivities are over, I'm researching in earnest the new possibilities. One of these is stock photography. Right there you know it's not a get rich quick scheme! But if I could, in the end, make a little money from something I enjoy and want to spend more time at anyway; then why not?!
I love the beginning of something with all it's possibilities! There haven't been any disappointments, setbacks or obstacles; it all lies before me wrapped up with great anticipation. This is when it's easy and full of promise. Although I feel this way now, I want to have the perseverance to continue when the rejections come! I know they'll come; that's part of the learning process. Sometimes it's just easier said than done. Nevertheless, I'm stating now that I want to press through! Hopefully my first acceptance won't take too long but first the research!