
Sunday, September 26, 2010


Life seems to be full at the moment. More accurately I should say that my heart is full. Nothing so earthshaking or out of the ordinary has happened, except I did go ziplining in the redwoods the other day - what a blast!! Otherwise days have been a mixture of yes, the mundane (!), also people, interior painting (while Brian is painting the railing and staining the deck outside) and relaxing moments that make me breathe a sign of contentment. For example:
The weather has turned glorious here (we are finally having our summer) so on Thursday Brian suggests taking our regular walk on the beach in the evening to see the sunset. To round off a wonderful and spontaneous date night we went a little earlier and got a slice of pizza and a glass of wine at a little hole in the wall place before walking down to the beach for the sunset. After ziplining the next day we came back to the house and enjoyed our "new" deck, watching the moon rise - a full moon even - while talking and eating some munchies. These are sweet moments in life and they make my heart full. Life precludes these moments from happening on a regular and predictable schedule but then that makes me aware of them all the more and appreciate them to no end!