
Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Prep

Traveling again so soon? Not the ideal but this is just how it's happening this year. How can I really complain!!?

The past week, primarily, has been all about the preparation for such an extensive trip. I even started packing 5 days prior to departure. This is virtually unheard of for me, the one who throws everything together the night before. Though at my age, that kind of early prep can backfire because I can't remember what I already packed when I'm finishing things up the day before! Did I mention I hate packing?

I am no longer enamored with any aspects of "prep" that leads up to the arrival at my destination. That includes the actual travel time. The glamor of all that has long since lost any appeal. Having lived a total of 12 years in Europe, I've done a lot of traveling. I still love new places, visiting old friends, people watching, and experiencing other cultures and foods! So, I really am looking forward to the adventure of it all. In addition, I'll be very happy when the "fullness of prep" is done!