
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Simple Pleasures

Christmas is coming in less than a week! It doesn't really seem possible but, then again, I'd be foolish to deny it!! I've moved slowly this year into embracing the idea of it all.

Last night we went went out with a couple of other friends for wine and appetizers. Honestly, we decided on going out because to pull something together at one of our houses was more effort than any of us had the energy for. The important point was getting together, and it was delightful. I won't bother you with a detailed description of all the yummies we had! Although taste treats are always enjoyable, it's the company that matters.

Last night was the whole package of a "holiday simple pleasure." I appreciated the Christmas lights inside and just outside our window, reminding me of the season. Our order of food (all shared :-) ) was a wonderful mix of flavors. The atmosphere was warm, the wine warmed my insides, I relaxed and engaged in the conversation that ranged from travel to Christmas visitors, family to future plans.

For me, this shows the best of the holidays. It is simple, more intimate, relaxed and relational.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you friend : )I'm glad you had such a lovely time! Sending you greetings and hugs.