
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Mornings Don't Always Come Easily!

I love being creative and the results of that creativity, whether it's mine or someone else's; however, like most people, I am not creative in all realms. I function best in the artsy arena but not the crafty one, for example. I also like words and perhaps craft a bit with them although the art of poetry is not my forte. I saw the following poem on another blog I follow, and although you'll never see any poetry from me, this captured the essence of many a morning for me. So I thought I'd include it for your reading enjoyment.  

I slept late.
I am a slug.
But now there's coffee in my mug.

I want to go back to bed.
The sleep won't leave my head.
But there is much to do today.
So I will drink coffee instead.

I was warm & cozy, all tucked up in my bed.
We should stay here all day long my body told my head.
But I refused to listen even though it begged and pled.
I arose, went downstairs and made coffee instead.

It's really perfect and makes me smile! Perhaps some of you can relate, too. The blog post I got this from originally you can find here