
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Hold On!

I continue to engage in my sedentary pursuit of foreign real estate browsing. I mentioned Panama and Ecuador before and Mexico is also on the list with Nicaragua trailing in distant fourth. I also talked in my last post about changes on the forefront. Put those two things together and Brian and I have come up with selling the house and moving somewhere warmer and cheaper. (A few places in the States are also in the running!) Surprising? I'm still a little surprised at how quickly and radically our thinking has changed in the last six weeks. Perhaps you ask - why? Boiled down, the financial upset towards the end of the year caused us to drastically rethink the direction we want to move regarding our finances. By the way, the financial upset is resolved, and more positively than we had hoped! Thank God!

No specifics. No decisions. This, too, is a process. During one of my browsing times, I did run across a coffee plantation for sale in Panama :-). It's located in the Chiriqui province. I know I don't know how to pronounce that name correctly, but in my mind it sounds vaguely like "cheery." So when I teased Brian that we could buy a coffee farm, naturally the name of our product would be Carol's Cheery Coffee. Does it get any better than that?!

I doubt that buying a coffee plantation is in our future, :-) but we are open to new possibilities. After all, life is an adventure!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Love the ad! Love you, love the idea of a coffee plantation...but not loving the idea of Panama!! Just saying :)