
Monday, November 01, 2004

Weekend Conference

This weekend I was able to attend a Christian conference in Basel which had either English speakers or translation from German. There were about 300 people and because of the connections in Switzerland over the past couple of years I knew quite a few people. I loved the corporate worship and the teaching. And I can still find it surprising how God works. One speaker referred to a verse in Habakkuk which I turned to and then left my Bible open to that page. Later I glanced down and my eyes went to another verse. There were no lights flashing neither did the verse seem to jump off the page at me; but nevertheless, it spoke to me of my situation. The verse is Hakakkuk 2:1 - "I will climb up into my watchtower now and wait to see what the Lord will say to me and how he will answer my complaint."

This is definitely a time of waiting on the Lord for me, to receive and get some answers. But I wondered if 'complaint' was really the word that fit. After thinking about that for myself and reading Habakkuk's complaint, I had to admit I did have complaints that needed God's answers. Sometimes I surprise myself because I don't even know all that's going on inside of me. And after all, it's hard to get answers to all my questions if I don't know what they are! There were other scriptures and ideas in the teachings that were also an encouragement. I'm thankful that God is already speaking and leading me to a place where I can hear his answers.