
Friday, July 15, 2011

My Own Version

I'm back with colonials! I thought I'd do a severely adapted version of House Hunters International. My adaptations include 4 choices not 3, I'm not buying now (may never), plus, I've never even been to Merida but have become very intrigued. Even though this vacation / half and half living may never happen I'm trying to pick ones that might half way be realistic. Probably in another post I'll put videos of my 2, over the top, favorites - way out of our league! In the end, we'd like a 2 bedroom and 2 bath place. After all, we want a place for guests!!
So, #1 is a clean slate, the cheapest but more work than any of them. We will be able to put our own personal stamp on it but it would take time. A big benefit of this one is the finished "guesthouse" - some place to sleep while renovating. It is close to a park and a market, although on the edge of the central area we'd like to be in.
#2 has plans for a second bedroom and a pool, so still work to be done but the rest is finished! It is closer to the center but it does have what appears to be an auto business across the street.
#3 is closer to the center than #1. The configuration is already a 2/2 so that's a plus. A pool is necessary for all of them. They are equal in that regard.
Lastly #4, there are no plans completed but it still needs another bedroom and bath. What is in place is done nicely.
I like them all and each has positive and negatives. If you want, you can weigh in on the options!


Susan said...

Oh, this is fun! I'd pick number - decent size and nice location, but then again, I'm partial to that area! :-)

Number 3 wouldn't even make my list, because it's so narrow. The rest look like really good contenders, too!

If decide to visit Merida, there is a “Showcase of Homes” coming up on November 6th. You may want to consider planning your trip to coincide with this biannual event.

Susan said...

Um, I guess it helps if I actually leave the number! Number 4 is my first pick.

Carol said...

Susan - We will definitely be visiting Merida but probably not until spring of 2012. (As it happens I'll be in Poland around November 6th for a wedding.) How different is the "showcase of homes" than the weekly tour they do leaving from the library?
I'm excited to visit Merida but was telling Brian the other day that I hope I haven't made it too great in my mind - like people talking up a movie and then you finally see it and think it wasn't THAT great. Time will tell! :-)
Thanks for your input!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I think 2 and 4 get my vote, but we'll have to see when we get the chance to visit. Location may be the clincher on one or the other. A second bedroom with a nice bath and a pool are necessary. Both appear to have room or plans to include those options. Plus the price is right! : )

Love ya Sweets!

Susan said...

From what I understand, the weekly home tour, led by realtor Keith Heike, generally consists of a visit to Los Dos (his place) and a couple of other houses on the market – 3 in total.

The Showcase of Homes Tour is a biannual fundraising event for Brazos Abiertos. The BA tour consists of 8 homes, and the homeowners and/or architects are usually onsite. There is also a reception held afterward, which is a good opportunity to speak with the owners and architects in greater detail.