
Friday, February 17, 2012

Being Adventurous is a Matter of Degree

Brian and I, both, have always thought of ourselves as the adventurous type. At our first B&B here in Merida (we will stay at 3 to make contact with more people), we have had several occasions to talk with our fellow boarders - one Canadian couple and the other couple is American. Due to these conversations, Brian and I have had to reevaluate "adventurous." I had generally looked at this trait as something you were or weren't. No, it's really more of a scale and I don't think we are even close to the extreme end! It's been fascinating to hear their stories, where they've been, how they've traveled and how long ago they started! This is part of why I love travelling and meeting new people - I have my world expanded. Plus, I receive a more accurate perspective of myself! It's always good to keep my ego in check!!

Speaking of my ego, I think I was a bit overstated in my Foodie?! post about how I throw caution to the wind in the food arena! Last night I was faced with peppers, as in possible jalapeno type, on my nachos. I studiously was placing them in a pile to avoid. "Hmmm. Loving new taste sensations, am I?" So I tried them! Not all at once, mind you. :) A small one was meticulously placed on a chip along with all of the other goodies and in it went. Not that hot!! It was good and did enhance it all. I liked it even!! I didn't eat all of them but at least half. It's good to know my limits but be willing to challenge them too, from time to time. Otherwise, I could miss out on many good or even great adventures.