
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Only Two Seasons in Merida

As described by one of our guides, "Those two seasons are - hot and hotter."

Brian, who loves the heat, actually finds himself a little over-toasted here at times. Please bear in mind, this is only the "hot season." I wish I could have found an equivalent clip art picture of a girl, but this was the best free one so Brian takes the limelight! :) I'm definitely melting right along with him. We try to avoid walking anywhere around noon because there is no shade on either side of the street when walking north or south. The shade is a must. We knew it would be warm but the experience of it took us to another level of realization. Why I brought anything with long sleeves is beyond me! "You know, it might be cooler at night." HA! Well, it is cooler but still no need for anything like that.

One of our afternoon excursions was to the anthropology museum. As I've mentioned before I'm not big on typical tourism, which includes museums. In this case, it was in a beautiful old home/mansion. (In Europe you might think it was a consulate building or something.) Part of the draw for me on a hot afternoon was the coolness of the building - in both the literal and figurative meanings of that word! It was our guide at this museum who so succinctly described the seasons here.

"Tony" was his name and he was 5" 2' and a hair...maybe. His English was outstanding and I'd guess his age to be somewhere between 70 and 120. His almost toothless smile was engaging and compelled me to smile right back! Tony made that place fascinating. He was so knowledgeable, fun and funny. I learned a lot and it was enjoyable doing so. That's how learning should be. :) It was well worth the little extra we paid for a guide.