
Monday, June 07, 2010

Creativity vs. The Mundane

,It sounds like a boxing match! If it were, I'd imagine creativity as that sublime movement of grace that packs power. It's almost like it happens in slow motion as people are awed by the simultaneous beauty and raw power. Even if boxing can be distasteful to you (certainly to me) the artistry of those kind of movements cannot be denied. Whereas, the mundane is the brutal, relentless pounding that beats the opponent into submission. There is no finesse, only muscle bound prowess that needs admiration.
A friend of mine told me that if creativity didn't take effort it would just be mundane. (This came up because I was complaining that creativity took so much effort!) The mundane for me are things like laundry, going over the budget, cleaning and food prep. All very important endeavors, necessary even, but not thrilling or fulfilling on a soul level. Often they are something to power through and too often they get the best of me. I'm beat afterwards. There's nothing left to give in the creative arena. However, that is not my whole life. That may be one or two days of my week - being too tired for anything else, but I state now that I want to move through to the sublime. How does that work? How often will that happen? I pray for God's agenda through my days and the courage to make the effort!