
Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Read

It's been awhile - a long week for me. Not feeling all that well, but I won't go into that here!
So I'm reading a book that was handed to me out of the blue. The topic was not out of line for my recent journey in life, however. What is the title, you ask? So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore. It's actually a fictional book which surprised me a bit. There are other books on different movements, I.e. house churches but it's not a discourse on that or how to start the next movement! Rather, it's one man's fictitious journey of learning how to live a life really walking with God regardless of institutions, the next movement or playing the game of man's approval. I'm not finished yet but want to keep reading it all the time. The trouble is I can't because there is so much to take in that I can't process it fast enough to just continue reading. So far it's very intriguing and eye-opening. Although not new (written in 2006) I'd never heard of it and I'm a little surprised. It brings some very interesting points to light and others, which supposedly I already know, are presented from a new perspective, starting new pathways of thought. I appreciate the challenge to old ways of thinking and the status quo.
I'm curious to see how i will feel at the end of the story and where God will lead me.