
Thursday, June 03, 2010

Simple Life

At the moment, my life is very simple! No complaints. :) Yet there is still something I want to do; I just don't know what it is. Have you ever had that feeling of longing/ache/excitement when you hear of someone else starting up something they've always wanted to do, or following a dream? That feeling doesn't always strike me because those things can happen fairly regularly. But it happened to me listening to Ellen Degeneres when she said she had started a record label. That does not appeal to me in the least! And yet, the feeling struck me. She's already doing so many things but somehow this was different. I'm not doing so many things, nor am I a celebrity! However, my goal is not to do a lot but rather something purposeful, fun and made just for me!!
I've been a business woman (architect), a missionary (although they say once a missionary always a missionary), worked for a business and started a business. What's next? Now I'm in this semi-retired position which I love. I'm flexible, able to go on trips when money allows, meet with people and relax. Of course I thought some of this relaxing time would be spent writing, drawing and/or photographing. I'm not doing much of any of that! Hmmm. Am I lazy? i probably need more of a routine. All of those things are still very exciting to me. What's wrong? Or is anything really wrong - maybe I just need to make different choices through the day.