
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Heading into a few weeks of more concentrated family time, both sides. We had dinner last night with my brother and his wife, very enjoyable and relaxing. Brian made his smoked salmon which is always a hit but a special favorite of my brother's. Of course for dessert I slaved away over a fruit tart that we got at Safeway! It was a big hit, too!! :)
In a little bit we'll be having other gatherings as the 4th gets closer. Both our mothers, I think (I hope!), are looking forward to time together, as we are. Holidays are a great way to make specific, special plans to get together. Otherwise, it can be difficult to coordinate everyone, find the time in the daily crunch. Knowing everyone, I'm fairly confident that the only fireworks that will be set off are those intentionally lit by a match!

In reference to my "New Read", I finished the book, truly enjoyed it. One of those books you don't really want to come to an end, at least for me. But the authors had made their point and brought it to a close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the "New Read". I'm looking forward to reading it again on our trip to WA. Lovin' U tons!!!