
Thursday, May 06, 2010

A Slower Day Today

Yesterday was about people with some business thrown in! Today is about projects around the house both mundane and more exciting, like some finishing touches for the look of the place. It's great to finally be looking at those fun things after having been sick and unmotivated for such a long time.
Today, while reading and enjoying my breakfast with coffee, I felt a faint stirring in my heart. No specifics to that stirring that I can delineate but an awaking of sorts. I really have been out of "life" for the past year plus. I returned from my honeymoon with mono, even though supposedly one is immune to it after the age of 30! Although I did do some things periodically I was pretty much out of commission for over a year. Perhaps that's why I needed my "Bird Month" (see April postings) to begin to collect myself again, to find out where I was after that much time had passed. Now on day 6 of May, I believe the Lord is lighting a path with just a few sparks. I trust there will be more illumination in the future. At the moment I'm content with the small glimmer I have felt. If I had more right now I'd probably just feel overwhelmed and tired! The Lord knows and that's enough for me.