
Monday, May 17, 2010

Time to Write

I hear tell that I have an avid reader who has 'explained' that if one has avid readers they should not have to wait a week in between postings! I'm at 5 days so the pressure is on!! Plus, I already blew it with her yesterday so I don't want to rock the boat. (HI :-) )
It's been a rather disconcerting 5 days, actually. I felt sort of blah, unmotivated, with isolationist tendencies. No great spiritual revelations (which of course happen on a regular basis!); it's been cold and rather dreary (for California) and I've just been off. In British speak if something is off, it means it's gone bad like milk spoiling. Maybe that's been appropriate for the situation, but you should ask my husband.
I can't attribute it to anything particular, except maybe hormones. (Why were those such a good idea, God? They only seem to get us into trouble - in various forms.) At any rate, even though life can have it's ups, downs and flat-lining moments, I just have to keep breathing because God is carrying me through even if I can't perceive it, understand it or rejoice in it. I guess that movie quote was for me just a bit in advance. No, I haven't been in dire or straining circumstances nevertheless, I find myself closer to the top of my hole. I believe that if we truly don't want to be left where we are, then God will bring us out. It may not be in the way we'd like, or to the place that we think is right but He won't leave us to ourselves. For that I'm thankful and must consciously remember.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing : )Just wanted to say I like reading your blog : )